Friday, May 22, 2015

Timeline of NSA Domestic Spying

 Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul might well be mainlining throat lozenges today after Wednesday's marathon quasi-filibuster opposing the Patriot Act.

Paul spoke for more than 11 hours against the law, highlighting Section 215 of the act, which sunsets June 1 unless Congress renews it. Section 215 authorizes the government — with an order from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court — to collect "tangible things" including business records. Its most controversial application has been in collecting and storing Americans' phone-dialing records, known as metadata.

Paul's opposition to renewing Section 215 echoes one of today's columnists, who argues Uncle Sam is wrong to "seek and peek" without solid justification.
Others favor extension. To that end, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senate Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr introduced a bill that continues Section 215 until 2020.

Likewise, today's other columnist argues that Section 215 is essential to America's counterterrorism strategy.

Coincidentally, a review issued Thursday by the Justice Department's Inspector General noted the FBI's surging use of Section 215 to gather "hard copy reproductions of business ledgers and receipts to gigabytes of metadata and other electronic information." The FBI's proclivity for the tool owes, in part, the report says, to a lower legal bar for its use.

By the numbers
1952: The year a President Harry Truman order established the National Security Agency.
60: The percentage of Americans in an April ACLU poll who agree the Patriot Act should be overhauled "to limit government surveillance and protect Americans' privacy."
34: The percentage of Americans in the same poll who feel the Patriot Act is perfect as is for protecting America.